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Use Multichain Apps



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Build new use cases.

Pull any on-chain data on-demand.

Developers can leverage Queries for efficient, inexpensive, on-demand cross-chain data retrieval and attestation.

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On-demand access to cross-chain data

Get instant access to data on different blockchains, reducing latency and costs for verifiable cross-chain state calls.

Simplified Cross-Chain Development

Reduce code and development time by using your existing state and read calls.

Cheaper Gas Fees

Save on gas fees with batched requests and avoid expensive cross-chain transactions, making your blockchain applications more cost-effective.


Fetch cross-chain data in seconds, ensuring responsive and reliable cross-chain data retrieval for your app.


Benefit from attestation provided by the Wormhole Guardians for secure and trustworthy data access - the same security model trusted by Uniswap Foundation.

Data Retrieval

Leverage pull-based data retrieval to unlock new opportunities and flexibility for your application.

by the numbers

Get instant access to data on different blockchains, reducing latency and costs for verifiable cross-chain state calls.

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Up to 84% gas cost reduction



<1 second response time

How it works

Integrators can submit query requests to the Wormhole Guardian network. The Guardians process the requests and publish the successful results, allowing integrators to verify and consume the data on-chain.

CCQ Architecture

Components of Wormhole Queries

Get instant access to data on different blockchains, reducing latency and costs for verifiable cross-chain state calls.

Wormhole Guardian verification

Wormhole's robust verification layer ensures accurate and trustworthy attestation of cross-chain queries.

Batch query efficiency

The system's ability to handle batch queries across heterogeneous chains significantly reduces network traffic, reduces cost, and enhances overall efficiency.

REST server integration

Queries simplifies chain interactions with a user-friendly REST server for easy integration and ongoing use.

TypeScript and EVM parsing libraries

Equipped with TypeScript and EVM parsing libraries to provide extensive support to developers for seamless query construction and interpretation.

Wormhole Queries use cases

Get instant access to data on different blockchains, reducing latency and costs for verifiable cross-chain state calls.

Use case

Cross-chain price feeds for on-chain activity

Use case

Wormhole Queries revolutionizes DeFi with real-time, cross-chain price feeds, vital for activities like collateralization and loan issuance.

DeFi apps can now access information like current swap rates on external chains all with a simple and cheap on-demand data pull.

Use case

Cross-chain asset verification for games

Use case

Wormhole Queries enables game developers to allow users to use assets like NFTs across different blockchains just by reading state of a remote chain.

Games can dynamically adjust in-game elements based on live external chain data, offering complex, interactive experiences like multi-chain quests and cross-chain leaderboards.

Use case

Unified cross-chain digital identity

Use case

With Wormhole Queries, developers can build unified digital identity solutions across chains, simplifying the user experience.

This allows seamless recognition and use of credentials from one chain to another, enhancing experiences on platforms like DeFi and social networks, and ensuring secure, reliable cross-chain identity integration.

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